Dear Uncle Nigel,

Who is going to win the Bridlington Admiral’s Cup this year ?

My wife and I always look forward to the annual bun fight in Bridlington and we are more excited this year than we ever have been ! But who is going to triumph ? Can you give us the inside track ?

We have seen the list of competitors and it is going to be a close run thing,although Boris down the pub says that you have been playing like a man possessed and you took all the money at a recent tournament !

My wife points out that your handicap has been adjusted to reflect your super golfing prowess but I think that its just because you are a bandit and you keep wining everything !!

 I think we should be told !

Ryan Giggs – By e-mail

Dear Ryan,

Fuck Off You Twat !

PS. How is your sister in law ?


Do you have a Golfing problem.

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He is always here to help