Breaking news from SEVEBET, sponsors of the 2019 Portugal Tour, is indicating that Mike B Draft will pull out of the spring tour due to medical reasons. A spokes person from the Kowal Corporation, owners of SEVEBET, read out a statement this morning:

“We have been advised that Mike B Draft will not be competing in next years Portugal Tour on medical grounds. One of the SEVECARE’s own medical experts Dr Itakeab Ribe has indicated that after a thorough examination, over the phone, Mike B Draft was declared mentally stable but not 100% fit for duty. Therefore he will not be competing next year.”

At the packed press conference Dr Ribe was not available for comment but Chairman of The Kowal Corporation MK Seve spoke enthusiastically :

“I am deeply saddened that Draft cannot make the tour next year, I personally have spoken with the medical expert involved and I can categorically state that he is a man of integrity and professionalism and I believe he will really enjoy the Caribbean cruise he apparently is just about to embark upon.

I am also very pleased to announce that my nephew Ryan Kowal has been confirmed as the 8th player for next year’s tournament, what a coincidence that he was available at the last minute, staggering isn’t it ?”

Full details of Portugal 2019 competitions, handicaps and events will be published in the new year.