They had travelled from their homes many leaving late in the night as the call of Championship Golf became unbearable …..They had to follow !!

These were the 19 brave and trusty men who put their faith in their golf swing and struck out for fame and fortune.

Sadly it was just the Bridlington Admiral’s Cup but it was a fine weekend in Yorkshire and a jolly good time was had by all …… well nearly all !

Day 1 was an Autumnal affair , low scoring with Kevin back on form and Roger giving us a hint that he was not in Bridlington to make up the numbers.

Day 2 was Flamborough Head and the first feel of the Yorkshire coastal breeze which the men had not seen for many years. Big Dan set the pace with 40 points, Peter Lyon lapped up the course and Max was snapping at heels of the Day 1 leaders.

Day 3 gave us Hornsea and still no rain ! Sir Roger, fresh from a night in the Old Town rode on the shoulders of giants as he crushed the leaders, Aldo and Kevin in a display of what can only be called “Golf”.

2022 Admiral’s Cup Champion Sir Roger Large spoke to the assembled crowd on the final green:

“It is not the winning …It is the taking part ! And I would like to remind everyone of my other Major victory in the Crowhurst in the summer. This old boy is not fading away he is back in the winners enclosure !!”

and with that the nurses led him away to raucous applause.


Lord Large receiving the Admiral’s Cup from 2022 Champion Mick R.

(This was just before Roger’s fashion consultant rushed him off to the styling room.)


Roger receiving the Crowhurst Trophy (for the second time in 2022) and  the Super Bock Steaks with Big K Shorrocks spoiling the clean sweep by grabbing the Flamborough Headbanger Trophy.


Bridlington 2023 dates are under vigorous discussion and will be announced shorty.