Dear Uncle Nigel,

What is happening ?

It has been raining since last bloody November !

Eric down the pub says “This is Biblical, the End of Days is upon us !!!”

But Eric also thinks that jump leads are illegal ? And that’s just one of his conspiracy theories !

But come on Nige ! Last year by this time we had played Tuesday golf 10 times, this year twice ! And that was so muddy we lost 2 men and a pair of Wellington’s !

Is it Biblical ? Is it Global Warming ? or is it “Just a bit wet ” as Molly at the day care centre tells us.

Nige get a grip !

All the best,

Capt. Fairly Nimrod – full name and address withheld by post




Dear Fairly,

Fuck Off You Twat !

Is that the Day Care Centre on main Street ? Twat !


Do you have a Golfing , Cost of Living or a Global Conflict  problem.

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He is always here to help